Earlier today, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese confirmed Saturday 14 October as the Voice to Parliament referendum date.
In the lead up to the referendum, it is vital to understand the impact of giving voice to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people via constitutional recognition with a Yes vote.
A Voice will allow Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and communities to be properly heard, resulting in better policies and better outcomes for our people.
A Proposed Law: to alter the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice. Do you approve this proposed alteration?
“There is a critical link between the Yes campaign and demonstrating a commitment to our families, our young people, and our children – our future generations.
Our work champions children and the unheard members of community, and we believe their voices should be heard. A Yes vote is the next step to ensuring their voices are heard now, and in the future,” says VACCA CEO Muriel Bamblett.
VACCA remains steadfast in our position – we still say nothing less than Yes to ensure better outcomes for the families, children, young people and community members we work alongside.
Today, we reiterate the need for all Australians to educate themselves, and not be swayed by misinformation in the lead up to October 14. We urge our allies to call out misinformation and racism when they see it.
We encourage other organisations to demonstrate that they are for action and positive change and ask that they demonstrate the importance of inclusion and social responsibility by publicly supporting the Yes vote.
In doing so, they are demonstrating their own commitment to taking meaningful action in support of our children and families.
“While many mainstream organisations are concerned about backing a Yes vote, VACCA sees it as critical to show that we are for action and positive change,” says Ms. Bamblett. “We need to ensure that we are actively demonstrating the importance of inclusion and social responsibility at all levels.”
The referendum gives us all the opportunity to do what is right and take the next step towards a more unified Australia - one that recognises and respects us, one that hears our voices on matters that affect us.
This October, stand with us and say nothing less than Yes to an Indigenous Voice to Parliament.