If you or anyone you know is in immediate danger - please call 000 now.
13 11 14 (24 hours, seven days a week)
Online Chat: www.lifeline.org.au
Lifeline is a national charity providing all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.
Region: National
Yarning Safe N Strong
1800 959 563 (24 hours, seven days a week)
Email: ysns@vahs.org.au
VAHS have established a free and confidential counselling service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Yarning SafeNStrong (YSNS) is available to people and families who need to have a yarn with someone about their wellbeing.
Safe Steps - Family Violence Response
1800 015 188 (24 hours, seven days a week)
Safe Steps is a service for women and children experiencing violence and abuse from a partner or ex-partner, another family member or someone close to them.
Region: Victoria
Kids Helpline
1800 551 800 (24 hours, seven days a week)
Online Chat: kidshelpline.com.au
Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free, 24/7 phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25
Region: National
Djirra - Aboriginal Family Violence Response & Support Service
1800 105 303 (9am - 9pm, Monday to Friday)
Djirra provide practical support to all Aboriginal women and people who are currently experiencing family violence or have in the past.
Region: Victoria
Men's Referral Service
1300 766 491 (9am - 9pm, seven days a week)
The Men’s Referral Service is a men’s family violence telephone counselling, information and referral service.
Region: National
Sexual Assault Crisis Line
1800 806 292 (24 hours a day, seven days a week)
Free after-hours, confidential telephone crisis counselling service for people who are experiencing or have experienced sexual violence.
Region: Victoria
1800 650 890 (9am - 1am, seven days a week)
Online Chat: headspace.org.au/eheadspace
eHeadspace is a confidential, free and secure space where young people 12 – 25 or their family can chat, email or speak on the phone with a qualified youth mental health professional.
Region: National
1800 737 732 (24 hours a day, seven days a week)
Online Chat: www.1800respect.org.au
A confidential information, counselling and support service for people impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence and abuse.
Region: National
Beyond Blue
1300 224 636 (24 hours, seven days)
Online Chat: www.beyondblue.org.au
Beyond Blue provides information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health.
Region: National
Elizabeth Morgan House
(03) 9482 5744 (9am - 5pm Monday to Thursday; 9am - 4pm Friday)
Elizabeth Morgan House provides safe and secure accommodation, support and counselling services to Aboriginal women and children experiencing Family Violence.
Region: Victoria
MensLine Australia
1300 789 978 (24 hours, seven days)
Online Chat: mensline.org.au
MensLine Australia is a telephone and online counselling service for men with emotional health and relationship concerns.
Region: National
1800 184 527 (3pm - midnight, seven days)
Online Chat: qlife.org.au/resources/chat
QLife provides anonymous and free LGBTI peer support and referral for people in Australia wanting to talk about sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships.
Region: National
Triple Zero
000 (24 hours, seven days)
If you or anyone you know is in immediate danger — call Triple Zero now.
Region: National
Child Protection Emergency Service
13 12 78 (5pm - 9am from Monday - Friday, 24 hours on weekends and public holidays)
An after hours emergency service that receives new reports, as well as concerns for existing child protection clients who are considered to be at immediate risk and require urgent after hours service.
Region: Victoria
Dardi Munwurro
1800 435 799 (24 hours, 7 days)
Dardi Munwurro is an Aboriginal men's crisis line offering 24 hour mental health, family and relationship support.
Region: Victoria
DirectLine - Alcohol & Drug Support Line
1800 888 236 (24 hours, seven days)
Confidential alcohol & drug counselling and referral.
Region: Victoria
ParentLine Victoria
13 22 89 (8am - midnight, seven days)
Parentline is a phone service for parents and carers of children from birth to 18 years old. They offer confidential and anonymous counselling and support on parenting issues.
Region: Victoria
SuicideLine Victoria
1300 651 251 (24 hours, seven days)
Online Chat: click here.
A free telephone, video and online counselling service offering professional support to people at risk of suicide, people concerned about someone else’s risk of suicide, and people bereaved by suicide.
Region: Victoria