Overall, the 2020-21 Federal Budget does little to support the needs of Aboriginal children, families, and communities given the many new and existing challenges exacerbated by the COVID-19 crisis with ongoing concerns for the recovery process. VACCA is deeply concerned that there is no specific focus on resourcing the Aboriginal Community Controlled Sector to continue to respond to the pandemic and prepare for recovery. With JobSeeker and JobKeeper levels not being extended, nor guaranteed at an adequate rate we are gravely concerned that this will only further entrench the poverty experienced by many Aboriginal children, young people, families and communities. VACCA strongly advocates for the Morrison government to extend the coronavirus supplement to JobKeeper and to legislate a permanent increase to JobSeeker.
There was no social housing investment announced, and $41.3m cut from homelessness services in this year's Budget. Given the ongoing National Inquiry into homelessness in Australia, this is a devastating blow to the sector. We are concerned for Australia’s most vulnerable populations, as the 2020 Federal Budget has largely ignored the calls for increased funding for social services including child and family services, housing, mental health, and AOD. As our CEO, Adjunct Professor Muriel Bamblett, has stated. "There has been a significant under-investment in Aboriginal community-controlled organisations across where our Aboriginal people are particularly over-represented".